
Shareware concept is very simple: try before you buy. You can try the software for free, but if you continue using it, you should register your copy and pay a small registration fee by purchasing a license. Read Registration section to find out more about how to register shareware from Ancodia software.

When you register your copy, you are not buying a software, you are actually buying a license. You must buy a license for every copy of the software you are using (e.g if you use the software at home and also at your office, you should purchase 2 licenses). For this purpose a vendor can provide different types of licenses.

Available licenses for Ancodia shareware:
- Single License:   for an individual *
- Site License: for a local company, for all its users within area of 100-miles diameter **
- Worldwide License: for an international company, for all its users on planet Earth **
Any combination of the license types is possible.

Why to register?


Software from Ancodia should never cause any damage, but you are using it at your own risk. As an independent software developer, Ancodia can make no warranties.

Try the software as much as you can before you register! Once your registration is delivered to you, you cannot ask for refunds! Make sure, that software you are going to register works fine on your system.

* A license must be purchased for every copy of the software.
** Site and World-wide licenses are negotiated individually.